Ritchie Bros. equipment auctions in China

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Selling equipment around the world

While Ritchie Bros. was first established in Canada, we are also the world’s largest industrial auctioneer. We have more than 40 permanent auction sites in 13 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan and China.

Three auctions in three cities in China in 2015

We hold regular auctions at our permanent auction site in China, in Beijing, but Ritchie Bros. can hold a successful auction anywhere. In September, we conducted our third Chinese auction of the year at an off-site location in Zhengzhou, where we sold more than 80 equipment items. And this week, we held a special simulcast auction in China, with equipment located in both Jinan and Beijing.

Take a look at some photos taken at the Zhengzhou auction in September...

Crowds gather at Ritchie Bros. September auction in Zhengzhou, China

Crowds gather at Ritchie Bros. September auction in Zhengzhou, China

Volvo excavator at Ritchie Bros. China

This Volvo excavator was sold to the highest bidder at Ritchie Bros.’ auction in China

Wheel loaders at Ritchie Bros. China.

Two interested buyers check out this line-up of wheel loaders.

Registering for a Ritchie Bros. auction in China

Interested buyers register to bid.

Ritchie Bros. bid catcher.

Catching bids at Ritchie Bros.’ Zhengzhou auction in September.

Crowds at Ritchie Bros. auction in China

Huge crowds turned out for Ritchie Bros. September auction in China.

Bid catchers at Ritchie Bros. China auction

Catching bids in front of the ramp at the off-site location in Zhengzhou.

Auctioneer at Ritchie Bros. auction in China.

The auctioneer calls it at Ritchie Bros. September auction in Zhengzhou, China.

Let Ritchie Bros. bring the auction to you

No matter where you are, we can set up and conduct a full-service, professional equipment auction. We’ll bring everything we need, including auctioneers and bid catchers, online bidding services, and a temporary auction theater. Learn more about off-site auctions.

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